If you are interesting in seeing Suzanne Somers in.Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises Can Help Manage Urin.Studies Show Vitamin D May Help Prevent Flu by Str.Red Clover, Soy and Other Phytoestrogens Pose No H.Does Estrogen Help Women Survive Colon Cancer?.HRT Might Up Incontinence Risk In Postmenopausal W.Recent, Vigorous Exercise Linked With Reduced Brea.Exercise for Your Immune System's Health!.Tip: Get out for a high-quality dose of vitamin D.Women with breast cancer have low vitamin D levels.Study Uncovers Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Risk Factors.

#Menopause chitchat trial
Study Looks At Clinical Trial That Tested Estrogen.Natural hormones help to prevent breast cancer.Cold/Flu Products: What Works, What Doesn't.Multiple Sclerosis Researchers To Meet In Boston T.Pfizer Bigger and More Profitable-Victims Wait fo.Hit the 40s? Watch out for peri menopause symptoms.
#Menopause chitchat update
Update on Suzanne Somer's Appearance on Larry King.CBS Early Show-Tuesday, October 20, 2009.10 things you need to know about breast cancer.Steps Every Woman Must Take to Prevent Breast Canc.Reasons For Low Levels Of Progesterone Hormone In.Men who voted McCain saw testosterone drop.Fight Off Back Aches & Pains This Winter With Extr.Pfizer Unit Must Pay Prempro Damages, Jury Concludes.1 in 5 kids get little vitamin D, study says.'Bioidenticals' not FDA-approved, contain estrogen.Healthcare system wastes up to $800 billion a year.High testosterone linked to miserly behaviour.Impact of Pregnancy and Menopause on Asthma.Desk jobs could raise the risk of prostate cancer.Vitamin D Supplements Improve Risk Factors for Dia.Portage pharmacist touts 'bioidentical' hormones.Women’s Stockings Used to Measure Whales’ Sex Drive.government plans major study of the safety of. Alternatives to Premarin for Hormone Replacement T.Breaking news: New independent study by EPA refute.I am looking forward to living the second half of my life as a healthy, productive, hormonally balanced woman! In this case, it's not hype-I absolutely know that bioidentical hormone therapy has not only improved the quality of my life, but has literally saved my life. As a society, we overuse the phrase that something has "changed my life". The creams are in no way an inconvenience, They come in a little dispenser jar and it took me less than a week to remember my three daily doses. By using creams, I am able to bypass the liver and the absorption rate for my hormones is faster. I am also often asked why I take my hormones transdermally (using creams on my skin) rather than just pop a pill. I am very excited about that-and I attribute it to the bioidentical hormones, exercise, and supplements (including Vitamin D). I had a repeat scan done in June 2009-not only do I no longer have osteopenia, the bone density measurements in my hip, femur and spine show that I am COMFORTABLY in the normal range. July 2009 update: Three years ago when I had a DEXA (bone denisty test) the results showed that I had a mild case of osteopenia, which is the precursor to osteoporosis. The Bi/Est cream, like my other hormones, is compounded at the pharmacy and I take it transdermally, twice a day. Although I was not having any hot flashes, I began to notice over the winter of 2010-11 that I felt a little cognitively "off"-grasping for words occasionally, and not quite feeling on top of my game. Until October 2010, my FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and estradiol levels indicated that I did not need supplemental estrogen. Oh, yeah, did I mention I am down over 120 pounds from my high weight (and still working on it)! I began taking Bi/Est cream in April 2011.

I now work out at our local YMCA 5-6 days per week, which has tremendously benefited the back, hip and pelvis problems I have from a car crash in 1992. My mind is much clearer, my focus much sharper, and my anxiety level has decreased dramatically. Besides the obvious health benefits of not poisoning my body with all the medications listed above, I honestly have more energy now than I did when I was 30, and I turned 52 in June 2010. I took longer to wean off the antidepressant I was taking as those meds must be gradually tapered off to minimize side effects. Within two weeks, I was off five medications: antihistamine (cured severe seasonal allergies), acid reflux medication, sleeping medication (now I use Melatonin), blood pressure medication, and most importantly, the Ritalin/Concerta I took for Attention Deficit Disorder. The results were nothing short of astonishing! Within three days, my restless leg syndrome disappeared. I started with progesterone cream 3 times a day, and a small amount of testosterone cream every other day. I began taking bioidentical hormone therapy in September 2006.